Reflections at 47

Reflections at 47

I am returning from a two week vacation where I followed my heart with no set destination nor any plan. Everything was perfect, and the synchronicity was heart warming.

Stunning locations were encountered randomly. Amazing hotel rooms were stayed in that normally book months in advance. Beautiful people appeared on path to assist at every turn.

The core of this journey has been to let go and follow an open heart, which is my reflection as I turn 47 years old. Letting go is not easy in this global village that we created.

We have built an impressive world of the mind. Everything makes sense. We have careers and jobs and houses and money and families and beliefs. We have created constructs upon frameworks upon ideas, all designed to create a sense safety in our lives. We hold on tightly to these constructs, which helps to keep everything running. 

I no longer believe that our constructs are true. We are living in a world of the mind that is designed to hide a plague of inter-generational traumas that effects each of us differently, as a victim, as a victimizer or as a savior. The time has come to heal our traumas and follow our hearts. I know. 

I am the child of an abusive alcoholic parent. In order to escape the pain of a traumatic home life, I started programming computers and eventually building the internet. I grew up to help create our global communication network, starting out as a socially awkward and abused boy. Many others building our tools and our society started out just like me.

I realize now that we can not build a future of light and love from a foundation of pain and suffering, no matter how safe we feel in our constructs. I have taken the hard steps to heal myself, and I have discovered amazing powers to see within others and help them heal themselves. I have met other people with amazing powers to help heal as well. We do not need a new tool or a cool outfit or a better vehicle. We need to heal. 

Once we all start to heal, we will have a solid foundation to build a bright future for humanity, where we can achieve our potential to create things that matter on the grand scale. I believe that there is a triumvirate of healing to get there. 

  • We break the major trauma loops that create pain and suffering among ourselves and others. 
  • We follow our hearts for the major directional changes in our lives. 
  • We are consciously acting in our day to day activities towards each of our greater purpose. 

This is a journey, not a destination. We are on the path of one. We are one individual acting alone in the tapestry of life. We are also one collective working together to achieve our potential as a species. Together, we shall heal. 

There have been great divides between men and women, between colors of skin, between colors of the cloth. When you leave behind the world of the mind and start to follow the heart, none of these divides exist. None of the constructs are accurate.

We are here, together, as one. A grand awakening is underway, and I am excited for the year ahead. My intention is to help inspire and help heal as many people as I can. Thank you for reading this and being part of the journey. With love and gratitude – Adeo

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